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Learn About Money Orders

+1 (720) 328-6655 1873 S. Bellaire St. 5th Floor Denver, CO 80222
Photo of Atlanta English class in action

Money orders are secure payments that can be used for paying rent and other bills. Fees are attached to money orders, but they are generally less than a dollar. After finding the money service counter at the grocery store, follow the steps below to complete your money order at your local grocery store.


Before you leave, have these items with you:

  • EBT, IRC, or prepaid card
  • A valid ID Card and Social Security card
  • Bill or pay stub
  • The address of the payee (the person or company receiving your payment)


At the money service or customer service desk, complete the following steps to fill out your money order

  1. Tell the employee you want to buy a money order and the amount you wish to pay
  2. Swipe your card to pay and select “cash” on the screen
  3. On the money order, write the name of the payee (recipient of your payment) on the line “pay to the order of”
  4. On the line below, write your home address
  5. Write the account number that corresponds to the bill you wish to pay
  6. Sign the money order to issue the payment and keep the money order receipt
  7. Take your money order to the person/office or mail the money order in an envelope that is stamped 

Contact the IRC in Denver

1873 S. Bellaire St.
5th Floor
Denver, CO 80222