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Here you can find how the IRC can help you with your resettlement and life in the US. Looking to donate or learn more about how the IRC works? Visit

Some IRC services described on this site may currently be suspended. Please contact your local IRC office for details, and visit Important Updates & Resources


Life in Denver

Learn about living in our mile high city, from getting around to getting involved with your community. 

+1 (720) 328-6655 1873 S. Bellaire St. 5th Floor Denver, CO 80222
A group of people looking towards a mountain

Resources on Life in Denver

Get to know your new community by browsing the resources below. 

Upcoming Events and Classes

The IRC in Denver offers a variety of classes on topics of interest to our clients, as well as social events and other activities. We hope you will join us! 

Contact the IRC in Denver

1873 S. Bellaire St.
5th Floor
Denver, CO 80222