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Get Financial Help in Denver

Learn about managing your money, building wealth and becoming financially self-sufficient through coaching provided by IRC’s Financial Capabilities program. Eligible clients can also work with our Public Benefits team to register for financial assistance to help meet your basic needs.

+1 (720) 328-6655 1873 S. Bellaire St. 5th Floor Denver, CO 80222
Jacqueline stands outside her home with her son, Zoe who is one.

Financial Capability Team Services

Main Services

This program provides our clients with basic financial knowledge to be able to manage their finances and make the right decisions to achieve their financial goals.

Financial Education
We teach clients how to budget, open a bank account, use a credit card, purchase a car, do their taxes, and more.

We have different types of loans depending on your needs. After having a coaching session, you will be able to decide what loan you would like to apply for. The different loans we offer include a credit building loan, car loan, personal loan, immigration loan, education and training loan, and a work support loan.


Services Provided by the Public Benefits Team

Main Services

First SNAP (Food Stamps) & Medicaid Application
We apply automatically for all clients when they arrive to the U.S. for SNAP (food stamps) and Medicaid (health insurance).

EBT Card Orientation
We teach clients how to use their new EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card to access their SNAP benefits.  

Redetermination Support
We help clients renew their SNAP and Medicaid benefits with their counties.  

Benefits Troubleshooting and Support
We help clients solve any problems with their benefits by helping communicate with their county offices.

Additional Services

Colorado Works (TANF) Application
For eligible clients only, we apply for the Colorado Works Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance program. 
*To be eligible for TANF, you must have at least one child under the age of 18 and have completed a cash intake session with IRC.  

Ongoing Colorado Works (TANF) Case Management & Coaching
For eligible clients only, we manage Colorado Works (TANF) cases here at IRC, instead of clients having to work directly with their counties on their own. 

Old Age Pension (OAP) Application & Case Management
For eligible clients only, we apply for the Old Age Pension (OAP) cash assistance program and help manage the ongoing case. 
*To be eligible for OAP, you must be age 60 and above and meet other criteria.

Educational Support for SNAP, Colorado Works (TANF), and Medicaid Participants
We help clients transition to managing their own Public Benefits cases directly with their counties when they are ready. 


Contact the IRC in Denver

1873 S. Bellaire St.
5th Floor
Denver, CO 80222