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Some IRC services described on this site may currently be suspended. Please contact your local IRC office for details, and visit Important Updates & Resources


Find Housing in Denver

If you are enrolled in the IRC in Denver’s Reception and Placement (R&P) program, our Housing Team can assist you with finding and paying for housing. 

+1 (720) 328-6655 1873 S. Bellaire St. 5th Floor Denver, CO 80222
The Moboka family stand outside of their new home in Denver

Housing Services

If you are enrolled in the IRC in Denver’s Reception and Placement (R&P) program, you will be provided with housing assistance. Our Housing Team will begin looking for an apartment for you before you arrive. If the apartment is not yet ready, you may stay with a friend or relative, or the IRC will arrange temporary housing for you, which may be a hotel room paid with your limited R&P funds. 


IRC's priority is to find safe, affordable housing for you. We will work to find a unit that is close to stores, bus stops, and schools to make it easier for you to get to work and the children to get to school. Renting in Denver is expensive and the housing IRC secures will be an apartment. Due to a lack of available affordable apartments, we are not able to honor location requests or other preferences.

Move In 

If you accept the housing offered by IRC, we will help you to review the lease contract and pay the deposit and first month of rent. IRC will provide beds and basic household supplies and furnishings to help you get settled in. We will also help you learn how to use your appliances, where to do laundry, your rent and utility responsibilities, and how to communicate with your landlord.

Paying Rent and Utilities

R&P funding is extremely limited. It is essential to begin working as soon as possible so you can pay for rent and utilities. While you are looking for employment, IRC will discuss how you can use any benefits or cash assistance you qualify for to help cover the rent costs you are responsible for. We will also make sure you understand how to make these payments. 

Other Options 

If you do not accept the apartment offered by IRC, you become responsible for securing your own housing. This may be difficult because most landlords require employment and rental history in the US and also established credit. You may work with friends or relatives in this process, but will need to manage the application and leasing process independent of IRC. 

Contact the IRC in Denver

1873 S. Bellaire St.
5th Floor
Denver, CO 80222