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Here you can find how the IRC can help you with your resettlement and life in the US. Looking to donate or learn more about how the IRC works? Visit

Some IRC services described on this site may currently be suspended. Please contact your local IRC office for details, and visit Important Updates & Resources


After the Airport

What to expect in your first 90 days in Denver.

+1 (720) 328-6655 1873 S. Bellaire St. 5th Floor Denver, CO 80222
The Moboka family at their new home in Denver

Hotel/short term housing  

  • After meeting you at the airport, the IRC staff member will take you to a hotel where you will stay until you select a permanent housing option.  
  • At the hotel, there will be basic housing and kitchen supplies, hygiene items, groceries, and a hot meal.  
  • The hotel room has a kitchen so you will be able to cook meals for you and your family.  
  • There are many other IRC clients who are guests at the hotel. You may meet other clients who share the same language and culture as you at the hotel.  
  • IRC staff will make sure you know how to use appliances at the hotel, can get to the grocery store and other areas of interest, and generally feel safe and comfortable at the hotel. 

Contact the IRC in Denver

1873 S. Bellaire St.
5th Floor
Denver, CO 80222