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Here you can find how the IRC can help you with your resettlement and life in the US. Looking to donate or learn more about how the IRC works? Visit

Some IRC services described on this site may currently be suspended. Please contact your local IRC office for details, and visit Important Updates & Resources

Welcome to the IRC in Silver Spring

(301) 562-8633
8737 Colesville Road Suite 1200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Two sisters stand in front of Silver Spring's Summer Academy

The IRC in Silver Spring

The IRC in Silver Spring assists many refugees, survivors of trafficking, survivors of torture, and asylum seekers to become self-reliant and integrated in their new communities.

Contact the IRC in Silver Spring

8737 Colesville Road
Suite 1200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
United States

Hours: Monday–Friday 9 AM–5 PM, Saturday–Sunday closed

Our services in Silver Spring

Services in Silver Spring include:  

  • Access to housing and basic necessities
  • Referrals to health care, English classes, and financial assistance
  • Job preparation, training and placement
  • Immigration legal services, including citizenship applications, green card applications, family reunification petitions, employment authorization documents, and travel documents 

Community Assets

The map below shows businesses and organizations providing services helpful to our clients in the Silver Spring area. Click on the circular icons to find more information about the providers and what services they provide. Click the icon in the upper right of the map to open it on its own page.

Contact the IRC in Silver Spring

8737 Colesville Road
Suite 1200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Hours: Monday–Friday 9 AM–5 PM, Saturday–Sunday closed