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Here you can find how the IRC can help you with your resettlement and life in the US. Looking to donate or learn more about how the IRC works? Visit

Life in the United States

Life in the United States (U.S.) for new immigrants can be both exciting and challenging. When you first arrive, you may feel overwhelmed. But soon, you will start to learn and adapt.

Dah Bu and his coworkers stand together for a group photo. Dah Bu and his friends are wearing traditional Burmese outfits.

Adapting to Life in the United States

If you’re an adult, the most important things you can do to start your new life are to find a job, start taking English classes or improving your skills, and get to know your new community. You may be eligible for IRC programs that can assist you in these efforts.

In the U.S., there are many different cultures, so you will likely find people in your community who share your traditions and customs. You will also have opportunities to learn about new cultures and make friends from all over the U.S. and the world.

Cultural Orientation

Cultural orientation includes classes and materials to help new immigrants gain the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to their new society and culture.

If you are being resettled in the U.S. through the refugee Reception and Placement program, you will receive Cultural Orientation before you travel, and again at your destination.

Cultural orientation topics include: