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Here you can find how the IRC can help you with your resettlement and life in the US. Looking to donate or learn more about how the IRC works? Visit

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Find Schools and Education

In the U.S., there are many opportunities for learning. Many IRC offices have youth programs to support parents and students. If you are an adult who wants to learn new skills or finish educational courses, IRC may be able to refer you for training and additional resources.

Youth sitting at their desks and learning

Children and Youth Education

Education is available to all children in the U.S. If you have children between the ages of 5 and 18, they are required to attend free public school. Your child’s school expects that parents will be involved in their children’s education by ensuring that they attend class and help them in a variety of ways. Pre-school for younger children is available in most communities, but it can be costly.

IRC offices offer many programs for youth, from helping with homework to after school activities. Depending on your immigration status and how you arrived in the U.S., IRC may be able to help you enroll your children in school.

Adult Education

There are many educational opportunities for adults and young adults, from learning new skills to earning higher education degrees and certifications. You should consider the benefits and disadvantages of studying versus working. Studying may lead to better job opportunities in the future, but you will need to work right away to support yourself and your family.

IRC offices in the U.S. may be able to help you decide what program is best for you, and may be able to connect you with vocational training opportunities.