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Learn New Skills in Denver

The IRC in Denver offers several options for adults to learn new skills that will help you to adapt to life in the U.S. and prepare you for advanced employment opportunities.

+1 (720) 328-6655 1873 S. Bellaire St. 5th Floor Denver, CO 80222
Clients attending a class

Main services

Cultural Orientation Training

We teach a class about the most important aspects of life in The United States and prepare you for cultural adaptation. Check out more information about Cultural Orientation in these videos and on the Settle In website.


Public Transportation Training

We teach clients how to use public transportation (buses, trains) and purchase tickets.


Educational Support for English Learners

We connect clients with organizations that teach English for free or at a low cost.


Job Readiness Training

We teach a class that explains the most important aspects of working in The United States and helps you to get ready for the job.

Additional services (provided when staffing allows)

GED and Higher Education

We connect our clients with organizations where they can receive an equivalent of the High School Diploma and explore professional education.


Career Exploration

We collaborate with educational institutions and employers to introduce new career options for our clients.


Educational Support for New Drivers

We provide our clients with study materials on traffic law and explain the application process.


English Tutoring Support

We pair clients with volunteer English tutors to practice their English at home.


Digital Literacy Support

We help our clients to gain basic technology skills so they can start using apps on their mobile phones and internet services on their computers.

Contact the IRC in Denver

1873 S. Bellaire St.
5th Floor
Denver, CO 80222