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Welcome to the IRC in Iowa City

250 E Court St
Iowa City, IA 52240
IRC in Iowa City staff members stand together for a group photo and smile; one IRC staff member holds the IRC logo

The IRC in Iowa City

The IRC’s Iowa City office opened its doors in January 2024. The Iowa City office currently has a handful of staff supporting approximately 100 arrivals this fiscal year. This office is a smaller office that is connected to the IRC’s office in Des Moines. This office primarily resettles refugees from the DRC, Afghanistan, and Sudan.

Contact the IRC in Iowa City

250 E Court St
Iowa City, IA 52240
ایالات متحده

Hours: Monday–Friday 9 AM–5 PM, Saturday–Sunday closed

Community Assets

The map below shows businesses and organizations providing services helpful to our clients in the Iowa City area. Click on the circular icons to find more information about the providers and what services they provide. Click the icon in the upper right of the map to open it on its own page.

Contact the IRC in Iowa City

250 E Court St
Iowa City, IA 52240
Hours: Monday–Friday 9 AM–5 PM, Saturday–Sunday closed